Übungen für Männer (New-2016)

by SR media


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Yazımı düzeltilmiş şu sorgu için çevirileri görüyorsunuz: Every guy who’s into fitness has some meth...

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Yazımı düzeltilmiş şu sorgu için çevirileri görüyorsunuz: Every guy who’s into fitness has some methodology, piece of equipment, or program they like over anything else. Some like to circuit train every day, some follow bodybuilding protocols, and still others participate in any number of fitness trends and fads. However, there is a list of exercises that has withstood the test of time, and these moves have become staples in every serious lifters plan. EXAMPLE Just like the deadlift, the barbell back squat hits just about every major muscle group there is in the body and is the king of leg-developing movements. Any athlete will tout the squat as the reason they run fast, jump high, and keep increasing in strength all over, citing the testosterone release as the reason. CONTENT 1)DEADLIFT 2)BACK SQUAT 3)BENCH PRESS 4)DUMBBELL 5)ROMANIAN DEADLIFT, 6)KETTLEBELL SWING 7)SUSPENDED PUSHUP 8)PULL-UP,MEDICINE BALL SLAM 9)SWISS BALL ROLLOUT 10)BANDED GOOD MORNING 11)FARMER'S WALK,HAMSTRING 12)CURL 13)SUSPENDED INVERTED ROW 14)BARBELL OVERHEAD 15)PRESS 16)BARBELL HIP THRUSTYine de girdiğiniz şu sorguyu mu aramak istiyorsunuz? Every guy who’s into fitness has some methodology, piece of equipment, or program they like over anything else. Some like to circuit train every day, some follow bodybuilding protocols, and still others participate in any number of fitness trends and fads. However, there is a list of exercises that has withstood the test of time, and these moves have become staples in every serious lifter’s plan. EXAMPLE Just like the deadlift, the barbell back squat hits just about every major muscle group there is in the body and is the king of leg-developing movements. Any athlete will tout the squat as the reason they run fast, jump high, and keep increasing in strength all over, citing the testosterone release as the reason. CONTENT 1)DEADLIFT 2)BACK SQUAT 3)BENCH PRESS 4)DUMBBELL 5)ROMANIAN DEATLIFT, 6)KETTLEBELL SWING 7)SUSPENDED PUSHUP 8)PULL-UP,MEDICINE BALL SLAM 9)SWISS BALL ROLLOUT 10)BANDED GOOD MORNING 11)FARMER'S WALK,HAMSTRING 12)CURL 13)SUSPENDED INVERTED ROW 14)BARBELL OVERHEAD 15)PRESS 16)BARBELL HIP THRUSTJeder Mann, der in Fitness ist hat einige Methoden,Gerät oder Programm, das sie gerne über alles andere.Manche mögen zu Schaltung Zug täglich, manche folgen Bodybuilding-Protokolle,und noch teilnehmen anderen in eine beliebige Anzahl von Fitness-Trends und Modeerscheinungen.Allerdings gibt es eine Liste der Übungen ist, die den Test der Zeit überstanden hat,und diese Bewegungen haben Heftklammern in jeder ernsthaften Heber Plan geworden.BEISPIELGenau wie das Kreuzheben, die Hantel nur etwa alle Hauptmuskelgruppen hocken Treffer zurück dort im Körper und ist der König der Bein-Entwicklung Bewegungen. Jeder Athlet wird tout die Hocke als Grund sie schnell laufen, springen hoch, und halten überall in Kraft zunimmt, unter Berufung auf die Testosteron-Freisetzung als Grund.INHALT1) DEAD2) Kniebeugen3) Bankdrücken4) DUMBBELL5) Rumänisch Kreuzheben6) Kettlebell Swing7) suspendiert Pushup8) Pull-up, Medizinball SLAM9) Swiss Ball ROLLOUT10) BANDED GUTEN MORGEN11) BAUERN WALK, Muskelfaserriss12) ROTATION13) suspendiert INVERTED ROW14) BARBELL KOPF15) PRESS16) BARBELL HIP DRUCK